Ask Martha → I Can't Make a Decision! What Do I Do?
How to make decisions with clarity and confidence. From indecisive to a clear decision.
Ask Martha → How Do I Know When It's Time To Let a Friendship Go?
Sabine wonders when it’s time to let a friendship go?
Ask Martha → How Do I "Find" My Guides?
Anne is curious how to meet her Guides and what role they may play in her life.
Ask Martha → Is It My Intuition or Fear Speaking?
Laura wonders how to tell the difference between her intuition and her fear.
Ask Martha → I'm Not Sure Who Am I Anymore...
Emily wonders how she can reconnect with herself after her divorce.
Ask Martha → What To Do When I Feel Ungrounded, Underwater and Numb...
An anonymous writer asks how to understand and navigate feeling ungrounded, untethered and disconnected .
Ask Martha → What To Do with thoughts that won't Stop Bugging you...
Lovely Lulu wrote in with this week’s excellent and frequently wondered about this question…”Can you share some tips for navigating white hot emotions related to crappy situations?”
Ask Martha → Why Can't I Stay Motivated or On Track With My Health Goals?
If you struggle to stay motivated in the colder months, listen as I provide insights to help you understand yourself better.