The Intuitive Morning Routine
Start where you are.
I think of this sentiment as I begin the morning on my porch with the sun streaming in from the East, lighting the space with hope, warmth and summer feels. I love this statement because I deeply believe that we are exactly where we are meant to be to learn what we are meant to learn. I have decided that as I write this blog, I am always going to start where I am. I am not going to worry about how well it is written, or how professional it sounds or if there is a lesson at the end. I am going to freely write about where I am; clear, confusing, who knows. It will be where I am and I know that will be good enough.
So this is where I am...on my porch thinking about morning routines.
I love a routine when I have the space to keep it. I feel grounded and clear and open to information from my Guides often during this time. I have changed my morning routine over the years and I try to be intuitive about what I am called to do on any particular morning, but today I felt the call of my old school to a song, sing to a song, meditate to a song. I learned of this powerful ritual when attending one of Sonia Choquette’s workshops and it has been life-changing for me. I consistently did this trifecta every day for 6 months. I don’t believe I missed a day, and I will tell you, things opened up in me that I didn’t know needed opening. I found myself swaying while reading labels in the isle of the grocery store, bopping to my own beat in line at the coffee shop, bouncing my knees while in a waiting room. My heart felt lighter, my self consciousness so much lower. I wanted to move to the music of life and did not fear how I looked or what others thought. I found myself looking for opportunities to have fun, ways to express my personal spirit. Funny how such a simple practice can shift one on so many levels.
And yet, even with all of the amazingness that came out of this ritual, I shifted course and stepped away from the dance, singing, meditation, and tried something new.
It’s what I do...I hummingbird my way from one flower to the next, trying new things to see what lights me up. I love reading spiritual books, so this is always a part of my routine. I often have a stack of books going at the same time. I have a hunger for learning that outwardly manifests in piles of books half-read, post-it notes, and highlighter markers hanging out from their edges. Sometimes I read too much and forget about all of the knowledge I have inside of me. I forget to listen to my own wisdom. So, I strive for balance and inspiration within and outside of myself. Striving for balance will forever be my carrot, my companion, my teacher. This is what being human is for me.
On a closing note...I love animals. A bit random, but there is a connection. I love working closely with my animal spirit guides and I have found a beautiful set of Oracle cards from Colette Baron-Reid called The Spirit Animal Oracle. This morning, as I establish a new routine with these cards, I pulled the Beaver card which delivered the following message: “Beaver Spirit is here to tell you about a power living within you that is born of Spirit, the Source from which all life arises. This is the power to establish the sacred connection with the universal consciousness so you can deliberately co-create the world you desire.”
With the hope that you are out co-creating the world you desire…