Cow Spirit
Do you ever start off your morning, right from the get-go, on the wrong foot?
I am usually quite good at not jumping on my phone first thing in the morning. I stay away from any social media or email until much later in the day. My mornings are typically my time to connect inward with meditation, dancing, reading, and writing. But this morning, and I have no idea why this happened, I began to watch this video about women’s health. It went on and on about someone’s personal tragedy and I kept waiting to get to the sales pitch or the happy ending. I kid you not, after 35 minutes of watching this repetitive, sad story, my phone slipped out of my hand and the video shut off. It was one of those sales videos that has to start over from the beginning. I was stunned.
How in the hell did I get sucked into this?
My precious morning time was gone and I didn’t even get to the point of the video’s story.
So, feeling out of sorts, I picked up my Animal Spirit Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid and asked the Guides what I needed today to help me get back on track.
Spirit does NOT disappoint.
I held the deck in my hands for a moment and immediately knew which card to draw. I flipped it over and the Cow Spirit card with the message…
“The miracles are endless.”
I felt infused with renewed energy and forgiveness for my unconscious start to the day.
Cow Spirit says to focus on activities and choices that inspire and nourish your soul. It also says
“Perhaps you’ve been spending too much time distracting yourself on the internet...”
Can you believe it!!?? I can. Spirit always has my back and lets me know how I can stay connected with my truth.
In Gratitude and hope that your morning was a bit more grounded than mine,